It’s Time For Safety To Go Paperless

Moving the Construction Industry Forward

The idea of creating a paperless jobsite, is nothing new. No doubt the construction industry has made huge strides of going paperless for 10+ years, but there is still room for improvement. While most technologies have focused on creating paperless workflows for drawings, daily reports, RFIs, submittals, checklists, photo documentation and punch list, Safety is a key player that has yet to join the paperless movement. 

Why is Safety so late to game?

Why are we still seeing endless numbers of clipboards and safety binders floating around the jobsites? 

eMOD, A Complete Construction Safety Management Platform

“Finally, Safety is moving away from paper and into the digital world with eMOD.” Bobby Marshall, CoFounder, eMOD / Project Manager, Dome Construction

Why Move to Paperless?

Going paperless over the last decade has had positive impacts for the construction industry. It has minimized the delay in information, allowed us to quickly document site conditions and eliminated having to roll a drawing cart around the jobsite. Having the ability to move daily tasks to the way we live our daily lives, digitally, makes this shift more relevant than ever.

Safety should always be the number one priority on a jobsite, yet many of the current technologies only scratch the surface of safety.

When safety is documented on paper and stored in binders there is little no visibility, transparency, and accountability. It is impossible for the office to know what is going on at the jobsite at any given moment, and there is a delay in corrective actions. Handwritten documents are hard to read, get misplaced and make it difficult to clearly understand safety trends, good or bad, that are happening daily on the jobsite.

How eMOD is Changing Safety for the Construction Industry

Visibility and accessibility to safety documents are key to maintaining a safe jobsite. By transferring information from physical papers to cloud based storage, the job can be done efficiently with less errors.

After careful analysis, the eMOD founders were able to recognize that safety teams were struggling to find a technology fit for the field crews leaving them with no other options other than to continue to use the original paper process.

eMOD allows all project teams, safety officers, management and most importantly ALL field crew members to have safety documentation at the tip of their fingers.

“We’ve created a platform that has transformed the old school way of tracking safety with paper, to documenting all safety tasks digitally.” Kaitlin Frank, CoFounder, eMOD / Superintendent, Dome Construction

eMOD has given visibility to daily documentation, certifications, observations, checklists and much more all safety information is now stored in one place.

Superintendents can now confidently report their compliance rates internally and externally. 

Improving Safety Awareness can help Streamline Your Workload

Today’s construction projects tend to include frequent design changes, tight schedules, trade stackings, and budget cuts. With a complicated workload already on your plate, could a streamlined safety process improve your day to day work life?

With traditional safety documentation there is too much time spent to print, scan, organize binders, and transport documents back and forth from the jobsite to the office. 

Accessibility through safety applications will instantly cut down on the time spent flipping through binders and searching through emails or folders.

Having all safety documentation stored in one platform in one centralized location eliminates wasted time due to administrative filing and allows our field crews to refocus their time where it matters most; preplanning and identifying potential safety hazards.

“With our field crews having instant access to their daily documents and checklists, there is more time to focus on preventing the next incident.” Bobby Marshall, CoFounder, eMOD / Project Manager, Dome Construction

Eliminate Eligible and Misplaced Paperwork

Increasing reference ability – cloud based storage allows for more accessibility – no more lost paperwork and binders! By eliminating the amount of paperwork used for daily tasks we can prevent it being lost in the shuffle from the jobsite to the office.

How often do you see crumbled up, coffee stained paperwork throughout the jobsite?

Not only is physical paperwork hard to keep track of on the jobsite it is oftentimes illegible.  When it comes to safety, documentation, it needs to be easily accessible and legible.  

Let’s say there was a fire or major incident on the jobsite where all safety paperwork was lost or damaged, there would be no way to reproduce these documents with the traditional paper process. 

With eMOD all documentation and information will be accessible through the cloud. 

Track Your Data and Safety Trends with eMOD

The implementation of safety platforms will track trends and statistics, creating actionable statistics on areas of improvement. The traditional paper process lacked visibility to this type of data. All of eMODs’ features link back to a dashboard tracking trends,  and analytics, allowing us to efficiently understand what is going on at the jobsite in regards to safety so we can take actionable steps where needed and confidently say we are running a safe jobsite. 

Advancing to the Next Step in Technology

The last decade of technology has taken an industry that doesn’t love change and caught them up to the 21st century in all aspects except for safety.  If we can have robots on our jobsites why can’t we digitalize safety and make sure our field crews go home safe each day?

Moving towards improving technology advancement in the safety department will allow more productivity in the field, prevent the loss of papers, fast work environment, and minimize wasted time.

Book a demo with us to transform the way you do safety! 
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