Who are we?

From boots on the ground, to managing projects and running construction companies, we have it all. When we say we are built by the field, for the field, we really mean it.

Why did we build eMOD?

The construction industry is one of the most important industries in the world. It is responsible for building and maintaining the places where we live, learn, work, and play. It is also one of the most dangerous industries to work in with the highest injury rate across all industries.

While numerous technology tools exist solving cost, schedule & quality performance, few exist for safety, even fewer for use by field workers. Workers perform in an ever changing, high hazard environment with little tolerance for poor performance.

Today, most construction companies rely on an institutionalized, static & outdated paper process for critical safety planning functions, leaving technology to memorialize what happened after the damage was done. These archaic processes lead to poor accountability, a lack of foresight, zero visibility, low productivity, and an inability to continuously improve.

What would you do if OSHA came to your jobsite today? Are you confident all your projects are 100% compliant? Would you know exactly where to go to get all of your safety documents?

These thoughts and questions led to the creation of eMOD.

Want to learn more?

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